from here but with a little twist of my own
And we all know that "time is money"
Time = Money
from here but with a little twist of my own
aren't holidays all about family?
"Nominate any blog entry written and posted between November 11 and November 18, which you somehow manage to cast more than a cursory glance upon. But the condition being that it should be written by an Indian or should be about something India or Indians. If you think that is restrictive, I don’t understand how all-inclusive we can be. Pssst…you can nominate your own post too and get few dozen hits your way. I reserve the right to drop nominated crap, and if you think it is personal, feel free to drop my posts when you host the Mela. But I will accept personal posts too if they live up to the standard.
Send me the permalinks and not the Blog URL. Either drop the nominations in the comment box or send me an email at pcmhatre [at] gmail [dot] com. They should reach me latest by Friday, November 18th, 5pm EST. Varnam has a nice Mela FAQ and the archives of the Mela are posted on Shanti's blog.
Please also put up a tiny announcement on your blog about the Mela because chances are that you might have more readers than I. So send in your nominations, get ready to enjoy the Mela next Friday, and to lose your twin. I will be back next Friday.
UPDATE: Although this has failed every time I have tried it, I am willing to host guest posts this week. So if you are interested, drop me a line at pcmhatre [at] gmail [dot] com. Blurkers (blog lurkers), this might be your chance to write something more than just comments."how i overlook the trivial in my pursuit of the bigger, more involving, almost over-whelming things in life.
this, from here:
to tag-board or not to tag-board - that is the question.
"you ran 26.2 miles! that is such an accomplishment!" "i'm so impressed" "amazing, i say"
Lay back
do i take refuge in my writing
or does my writing take refuge in me?
hmmmm..... on another note radio paradise rocks! awesome awesome music all day long....
want to go on a date. need romance, excitement, laughter. promise great company. will demonstrate wonderful sense of humour and impeccable manners and taste. that the marathon's over - will it be guitar lessons, spanish classes or some drab, droll certification? sigh...dilemmas, dilemmas
senator kerry, why did you concede?
current song Bathwater by No Doubt