Friday, November 12, 2004

this, from here:
Dear Readers:

This Diwali, I have a request, which I wish you would take seriously.

If you reading this, sitting in the confines of your cozy bedroom, besides your P4 PC on your broadband connection, and really worried about where you are heading to in life, you are just the person I am looking for.

With all these amenities at your disposal, I hope you agree that God has been kind to you and your family. And you are going to spend hundreds and thousands of rupees buying new clothes, jewellery, gifts and firecrackers. You have the financial resources to celebrate. And I hope you agree - it wouldn't be the end of the world if you couldn't celebrate. It is just that you can... so you will.

But there are those, who cannot enjoy these luxaries. They cannot because they have more important things to worry about.

Things like... "Where is my next meal coming from?"

Or... "Would I be able to find employment tomorrow and feed my family of 7?"

Or... "Would I be able to get 10 rupees worth of alms so that I do not sleep hungry?"

Or... "I hope I don't feel the cold while sleeping on the footpath, once I inject these drugs into my groin"

When was the last time YOU found yourself in a situation like that? You probably did not.

Life has been unkind to these people, I hope you agree.

When you feel real lucky with all the goodies you bought this Diwali, think about those who are not so lucky.

Those who's children would not be celebrating Diwali because they cannot afford 2 meals a day, forget firecrackers.


This Diwali... if you buy new clothes, donate your old clothes to those who shiver on the footpaths, while you sleep under your warm blankets.

This Diwali... if you buy firecrackers, please donate some of them to the children of the poor. You would make them immensely happy.

This Diwali... if you buy sweets, donate some to those who would have never ever tasted these mouth watering delicacies.

This Diwali... spread the word.

This Diwali... Give...

Happy Diwali.

PS: You'd do me an immense favour if you post something similar on your blog as well.


Blogger Unknown said...

What I do is put away 5rs every day so at the end of the year I have close 2000 bucks with plus or minus and I donate that to a charity of my choice . Technically its not my money as I live off my parents but it does give me some satisfaction. .But if you have the time there is nothing like volunteering

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and a very happy Diwali to you too, my friend. :-)


12:07 AM  
Blogger dewdrop said...

akshay, thats quite wonderful! doesn't matter whose money it is, its the intention that counts, me thinks. :-)

NS, :-) thank you dear. yeah, and i am a total hyderabadi :-D probly heading home in feb. will keep ya posted.

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a great post. Its so true - how quickly we forget these things. Hope you had a good Diwali.

5:39 PM  
Blogger dewdrop said...

thanks chinar! :-) actually it was stolen from neurotica's blog the link to which is at the very beginning of the article. but it definitely resonates with my feelings!

6:23 PM  

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