a few days late but soo cute! a gem from the veritable treasure chest that Caferati is:
Shoot him dead!
He’s fat and old that cupid.
Perfectly rhymes with stupid.
Why else would I be,
In love with so many,
Gorgeous wrong men?
the rest of the poem can be found at:
current song My Own Prison by Creed
If I were'nt married I would have tried to meet this woman.
:-) i'm sure Z. also coz ur gorgeous and so wrong (read married) :-D
How dya know I'm gorgeous? :)
- Z
now how did i know u were going to ask me that?! call me intuitive ;-)
Cuz with so many people -expecting the unexpected- I try and say the expected thing. Now.. again.. So how dya know I'm gorgeous? :)
- Z
i expect u dont expect me to say i quite unexpectedly stumbled onto some very convincing evidence?
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Hey. Please put Caferati's comment back ! I didn't get to see it. I could do with with some soap operatic moments.
- Z
oops, woh comment tho kub ka lost in cyber space...but i shall try and recall it for you....i must say they were really sad (and extremely jealous) that a "comment"-er with as much flair as you would not choose to grace the pages of their blog...oh and yeah that you guys should totally meet up with, regardless of being married. apparently they and i also have a mutual fascination for soap operatic moments!
I went to their blog alrite.. but there are too many writers on it...very complicated..sort of like frequent flyer miles.
The probelm with soap operas is that their TRPs fall + i am very happily and comfortable married.. so i guess not.
Where is this woman based anyway? :)
mumbai...and if i'm not too mistaken, she is happily married too. with a son to boot!
and what elese do u do when ur bored out of ur wits? other than watching virii multiply personalities?
Nothing very exciting. Stupidity is my normal reflex to life and its plateaus.
would it be very selfish of me to wish u stay sufficiently bored as to amuse me when im bored? :-)
honestly, u should write more often...
i really dont know if i can write honestly , more often. I havent been anything but a liar, cheat and a shyster for a long time.
Ok. Pardon me, but I cud not resist:)
I do write, but I don't post too much.
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