the M family has the rare honour of celebrating three birthdays every January. my parents’ immaculate timing ensured them a lifetime’s worth of happiness bringing up 3 extremely stubborn, opinionated, self-centred and (as of now two) decidedly randy goats. by age two i had already learnt to tell my mom what she should cook and how she should dress. by the time my sister was two, she had figured exactly how to get me to do what she wanted (by sneaking up behind me and breaking one of my dad’s prized miniature alcohol bottles on my head). and by the time my brother was two, he knew all he had to do was rat on us to our dad (the whole male bonding thingy). well, he enjoyed dancing on my sister more, i guess, but it was far less effective.
worse than the fact that they were doomed to raise three rebellious hell-raisers was that January was the month of new school uniforms, book bags, shoes and so on. throw in 3 birthday parties and u have all the ingredients for general bankruptcy. now that I think of it, no wonder my dad lost all his hair so early in his life. boy ain’t he so glad I decided to scoot a few oceans away.
anyways, heres to my randy siblings in all their goatly, capricornian glory. happy birthday chicka and
current song Don't Go Away by Oasis
SO where art thou?
Happy Birthday to all ... :-)
:-D Arvind, thank you, thank you, thank you! no happy budday to me? me too capricorn. mes in virginia, USA :-)
NS :-O randiness, LOST??!?! no, no totally not what i mean...only saying bro ain't old enuff to be randy yet :-D (sigh..this is what comes of writing with a sore throat and a drugged mind)
:A: thank you buddy!
Just out of curiosity (or wanting to wish on the right date) ... which date was/is your Birthday?
:A: my birthday's on the 19th :-) as long as dont ask for my birth-year! ;-)
Well, then, today is the 19th! So wish you a very happy birthday. Thought I'd drop you an email but I coundn't find your address on your blog. Hope you check this older post. Have a great day!
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