5:09 pm
another long day of work. i have to leave before 5:15 or be prepared to be trapped in the horribly slow traffic. I’m about to shutdown the computer when i see an email come in. "would it be too much work to breakdown this report by bla bla and email it to bla bla tonight, before you leave?" sure, why not. you're my boss's boss.
5:20 pm
i don't like traffic. strike that. i hate traffic. 45 minutes to cover 10 miles, 8 of which are on the expressway. go figure. as i try to catch up on life outside mine on NPR, i think how much i miss riding the metro to work and back. how i much i miss catching up on my reading, trying to crack progressively difficult sudoku puzzles, observing the latest fashions on hip young women, hearing snatches of conversation some funny some mundane some plain sad.
my knee hurts from hitting the brake every two seconds. then there’s the occasional lane changer who is convinced the lane i'm in is moving 2 mph faster than his. no i dont think i'm being unreasonable. i'd definitely much rather be on the metro, thank you.
6:03 pm
it’s dark already. umm, i love the christmas lights on their patio.ooh and the gingerbread men on their lawn. christmas reminds me of diwali. i haven't been home for diwali in 6 years. new job and i haven't accrued enough vacation to go home this year. 3 years it will be.sigh. i pull into the driveway, check the mailbox and come in. the house is dark, like everyday. "hey sweety!", i hear you say. i turn on the lights and walk into your office. there you are. in your dark little corner of the house, hunched over the computer, the LCD glare absorbing your face. i could watch you like this. for a very long time. look at you, working so hard, oblivious to everything else. i know. i know you will say "im so hungry, i could eat a horse. i totally forgot to eat today!" and i will toussle your hair, "my poor baby" and kiss you.
"you're staring again. aren't you going to come over and kiss me? im so hungry i could eat a horse. i totally forgot to eat today!" yes baby. i could do this everyday. come home. to you.