Sunday, March 27, 2005

its like the song goes...alanis morissette, amazing vocals, great sound "Would Not Come".the motivation, the inspiration, the affirmation. to write. many a time i have wanted to, but just couldn't - give shape to the feelings, thoughts running through my mind, a mile-a-minute. like some magical being (tinkerbell perhaps?) hovers over me, invisible, waiting...waiting to cast its net the moment a stray inspiration comes along...waiting, lest that mischevious thought escape its clutches, like quicksilver....oh dear fairy, let me write.

in times like these i wish i were a musician. so i could hum to you every flash of inspiration. i could whistle to show you how happy i was, my heart a butterfly. i'd tap my feet, i'd play the bass drums on my dining table.

i wish i were an ice princess. so i could throw my hands in the air and skate and sway in the wind like the free bird, the wind its ally. soaring higher and higher, into the bewitching worlds of fantasy and ecstasy. like when im in ur arms.

i wish i could sing a few bars of the opera. so i could summon the obscurest of emotions from their dark pearly depths. like u draw me out. from within me.

current song Farewell by Apocalyptica


spontaneous unexpected bold curious intuitive fearless unusual audacious brash undaunted irreverent unwavering daring dynamic maverick unbridled soulful provocative strong wild romantic genuine unorthodox brave renegade radical visionary dreamer

current song Joining You by Alanis Morissette

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

with acceptance comes great calm.

current song Life Is A Lemon (And I Want My Money Back) by Meat Loaf