defiant. belligerent. reckless. irreverent. impatient. restless. uprooted.
atrophied fingers itching to wriggle and break free of the constraints of civility. to deform, deface, destroy. the deceptively strong arms of faith slack, weak and weary. the seemingly infinite wells of patience, drained and depleted. demons that inhabit the dark crevices of my soul emerge victorious. and i shall never be the same.
sigh…whats that I hear you say? you are here now? to save me from myself? aah but it is too late. so leave now. lest you be poisoned by the venomous hatred that flows through my veins. but before you do, one last kiss my love?current song I Would Do Anything For Love by Meat Loaf
poisonous kiss. hmmmm....
Finally, the comments can be seen.
errr... what was that question again? :p
these boys!! they hear the word 'kiss' and they start jumping.
@chrys: oops, i hope i didn't actually bare my fangs there
@toro: u mean u cudnt see the comments before? hmmmm...question? huh? i see u cut short ur hibernation :)
@obscy: heheh...done writing, hate post, add kiss at end. pathetic attempt to try and salvage post no?
On the contrary I liked the sudden contrast that your last sentence brought to the rest of the imagery that came before. Nice!
On the contrary I liked the sudden contrast that your last sentence brought to the rest of the imagery that came before. Nice!
thank you, Anil! i hope you didn't mind my linking your blog to mine, i just had to :-) real nice of u to come by!
as in the kiss of death *shudder shudder* :-) - Adi
he he...the romantic in me discovers her morbid side, adi ;-)
No..not all..its my pleasure. And thank you for linking me, you do me much honor. Ok..ok done with the formalities now and I shall leave you in peace :)..and oh I just love the title of your brings a fabulous image to my mind!
hmm...the current song has inspired a post.
PLus, of course, it's one of my faves, along with the rest of that album. :-)
This is raw. And very stong. Nice piece!
thank you very much A! and also for dropping by :-)
My pleasure!
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