Thursday, July 21, 2005

i wish there were blogs when i was younger, a school girl traveling by perenially crowded buses to school everyday. oh the nerve of the guys who'd try to rub themselves against my back! the naivette of the first few years where i didn't have a clue that i was being molested and harassed. the bewilderment when i started recognizing the rubbing, the touching, the groping was all intentional. and then the anger. the white hot anger. that made me have to hold men by their collars and hit them. that unrelenting, sickening feeling of resentment rising up my throat like bile...resentment towards the perceived vulnerability of women. that they could be taken for granted so easily. that men could get away with this so often, so easily. and that it alwasy ended up being your fault - for dressing like this, for walking like that, for laughing so loudly and freely.

kudos to these women. may their tribe grow.


Blogger obscured said...

You know what? I dont know one girl who hasn't been pinched, groped, touched by perverts in buses and other public transport. It is rather sad but we actually do nothing about it. I have myself suffered silently till I told my mom who told me that I should always speak up and hit back at the guy. Ugggghhh! It's absolutely hateful to have to go through it. I still avoid public transport as far as I can.

5:50 AM  
Blogger . : A : . said...

Completely agree!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very inspiring to read that there are such brave women around and instead of keeping quiet are fighting back against the very system which always lays the blame on the woman for every wrong perpetrated by was particularly harrowing to read 'train to chennai'...

...thanks for sharing these links..

2:27 PM  
Blogger dewdrop said...

thats sad. i, on the otherhand, miss no opportunity to get on a bus and then of course give hell to any guy who comes within an inch of me :-D

i'm glad! how u been?

the pleasure's all mine. it is very inspiring indeed. i hope more and more and more girls and women read these blogs and feel as inspired.

...oh and welcome back!

6:28 PM  

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