Thursday, July 22, 2004

lazy thursday

hmmmm......i wish it was sunday...
sunday's my day....laaaaazy and absolutely chill
cook my favourite food , watch my favourite movie

but why am i talking about sunday on a thursday? lets see...thursday, thursday has a definite feel, anticipation of friday
my fridays have been screwed up ever since i started training for the marathon, friday's have moved to thursday....but then thats just me and its a little weird but i'm game
the thought of being able to complete 26.2 miles is so exhilarating
only done 12 miles so far but im gonna get there...thats the easy part
the hardest is raising mo-ney

hmm....think think think

"Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel. Friday has a feel. Sunday has a feel.
I feel Tuesday and Wednesday"
- Newman and Kramer, in "The Sniffing Accountant"